Information for New Clients
Below is information for individuals. For business related inquiries, please call us at 770-531-0007 as the information for businesses differs greatly depending on your specific needs.
Have a general idea of all the assets you own and their value (e.g. real estate, vehicles, etc.)
Have statements from all your creditors, or pull your credit report from www.annualcreditreport.com. (This site is free by federal law, unlike some of the sites you see on TV that actually charge a monthly fee.
Have a breakdown of your total monthly income from all sources.
Have a general idea of all household and budgetary expenses.
Evidence of all income from the last 6 months. If you receive a regular paycheck, or a benefit such as Social Security, then those paychecks and statements will be fine. If you are self employed or do not receive a regular paycheck, then we have to review six months of bank statements. This is not optional as unfortunately the amended bankruptcy code of 2005 require it. Thus we must have proof of income from all six months before your case can be filed.
Your last two tax returns
Your drivers license and proof of social security number (acceptable items include: Social Security card, Medicare card, Military ID, original 1099 or W-2, correspondence from the Social Security Administration)
Once you’ve completed the checklist, be sure to Make An Appointment with us by calling 770-531-0007.